Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Let's talk Sequels!

Upcoming sequels...we known some of them are made to BOMB & some others are made to be great and be followed by more. In my opinion not all movies should have sequels but if for some reason they decided to give it one the sequel should be 100% times better than the 1st movie.  I love movies & my list of great movies with great sequels goes a long way. Anything from Harry Potter, Star Wars, The Bourne Saga, Toy Story, Lord of the rings, Batman Begins & some others are amongst my favorites. Sometimes the sequels are great but then a 3rd & 4th comes and just ruins everything. Ughh!  For example... "Spider-man". 1st & 2nd Spider-man movies were great but then the 3rd was out and it was horrible. I'm so glad they are re-booting that whole mess.

Now there will be movies like "Underworld" that will be coming out with their 4th movie.There's rumors that Kate Beckinsale is back on board in her role as "Selene". Will this be another sucky long time feud between vampires and werewolves?  There is also talk of a "Fast & the Furious 5"...ummm I wonder what this one will be about?!  Paul Walker will be in it of course & they will be shooting in Europe.
We all know "Transformers: The dark of the moon" is already shooting and its release date according to Micheal Bay will be 2012.

There are so many more to come... I know many of them are just going to be horrible but I also know some of them will be amazing & time at the movies or at home will be great.

Below is a list of all the sequels that are upcoming...

- Avatar 2
- Alien 5
- Ghostbusters 3
- Narnia 3
- Pineapple express 2
- The ring 3D
- Wolverine 2
- Sherlock Holmes 2
- Star Trek 2
- Scream 4 



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