Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Let's talk Sequels!

Upcoming sequels...we known some of them are made to BOMB & some others are made to be great and be followed by more. In my opinion not all movies should have sequels but if for some reason they decided to give it one the sequel should be 100% times better than the 1st movie.  I love movies & my list of great movies with great sequels goes a long way. Anything from Harry Potter, Star Wars, The Bourne Saga, Toy Story, Lord of the rings, Batman Begins & some others are amongst my favorites. Sometimes the sequels are great but then a 3rd & 4th comes and just ruins everything. Ughh!  For example... "Spider-man". 1st & 2nd Spider-man movies were great but then the 3rd was out and it was horrible. I'm so glad they are re-booting that whole mess.

Now there will be movies like "Underworld" that will be coming out with their 4th movie.There's rumors that Kate Beckinsale is back on board in her role as "Selene". Will this be another sucky long time feud between vampires and werewolves?  There is also talk of a "Fast & the Furious 5"...ummm I wonder what this one will be about?!  Paul Walker will be in it of course & they will be shooting in Europe.
We all know "Transformers: The dark of the moon" is already shooting and its release date according to Micheal Bay will be 2012.

There are so many more to come... I know many of them are just going to be horrible but I also know some of them will be amazing & time at the movies or at home will be great.

Below is a list of all the sequels that are upcoming...

- Avatar 2
- Alien 5
- Ghostbusters 3
- Narnia 3
- Pineapple express 2
- The ring 3D
- Wolverine 2
- Sherlock Holmes 2
- Star Trek 2
- Scream 4 



Monday, October 11, 2010

Pirates of the Caribbean: On stranger tides

All the fun, adventure & humor that started the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise will come back to the big screen with their 4th movie on May 20th, 2011 on Disney digital 3D.

In this movie Captain Jack Sparrow crosses his path with a woman from his past (Penelope Cruz) but he is not sure whether it's love or she's just a ruthless con artist that is using him to get to the fabled fountain on youth.
She forces him aboard the "Queen Anne's revenge"; the ship of the fearful pirate "Blackbeard".   

Jack will find himself on a new exciting & dangerous adventure.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Oh..What's to come?! (Update)

Who doesn't love a good super hero film? I know I do.

So...What's in the works?  
The Third Batman movie will start shooting in April and the director is no other than Christopher Nolan.  Warner Bros recently wrapped up Green Lantern in New Orleans and have liked the city so there's talk Batman will be shooting there.  

Another anticipated movie is the untitled Spider-man re-boot which starts shooting in December and has a release date already...hopefully July 3rd 2012. Andrew Garfield as you all may know has already been cast as Peter Parker and as of 2 days ago Emma Stone has been cast for Gwen Stacy. (Spidey's 1st love interest). The director for this re-boot will be Marc Webb whose previous directing work includes "500 days of Summer".  And if you feel just like me about the Last Spider-man installment then you are crossing your fingers and hoping for a re-boot so great and amazing it will blown your mind off :)

X-men: First class which will chart the epic beginning of the X-men saga and has been already shooting in London.  This prequel will take place in the 1960's and will focus on the early friendship between Prof. Charles Xavier a.k.a Prof. X and Erik Lensherr a.k.a Magneto and the trials that tear the friendship apart.

I'll try to keep you up to date with all these amazing movies to come! :) 

Prof. X  & Magneto

Ghost Rider 2 --- This is one is going to BomB!

As super heroe movies keep rising in popularity some film production and distribution companies think it's a pretty good idea to keep coming up with sequel to movies  that weren't that good to begin with.

Why do they even make an effort to come up with the sequel if their first idea bombed? Nicolas Cage is already on board along side Idris Elba and Jhonny Whitworth  for the next sequel in the making "Ghost Rider 2: Spirit of vegeance".  haha ... Is this a Joke?  I personally think the 1st Ghost Rider movie was horrible..and it's one of the worst movies for Nicolas Cage and then co-star Eva Mendez. We've seen Idris Elba in movies such as "The Losers" (which wasn't that great) and a Tyler Perry Film that did not catch too much attention.  Ghost Rider in 2007 made a gross of $115.8 mil at the box office and many sites like www.rottentomatoes.com gave it a nasty review even saying it had "hammy dialogue". And I can't agree more...Hopefully we won't even have to see a preview for this one and Columbia Pictures will just cancel the film.   What do you guys think?!